Posts for jet lag

Tips for Dealing with Jet Lag

Travel Tips - Shelia - June 22, 2016

Check out the following tips for dealing with Jet Lag:

Try to stay awake until your destination’s bedtime

It is truly difficult to follow this advice, particularly in the event that you don’t mull over the plane, however staying conscious will help you figure out how to live as indicated by nearby time and wake up brimming with vitality the following morning. In the event that you truly feel languid and drowsy, try taking a nap for 30 minutes or an hour and then go for a walk in the park to keep yourself awake.stay awake

Stay hydrated

Water is fundamental, however it is more essential amid voyaging. Flights are getting dried out and dehydration worsens jet lag in the long run. Regardless of the fact that you drink a few glasses of water directly after your landing, you won’t feel better. Expect to taste plain, cucumber or lemon water amid your flight and drink two or three glasses when you touch base at your destination to fight jet lag, relieve fatigue and keep your energy levels in check.hydrated

Boost endorphins

I am not going to tell you to exercise to increase your energy levels because I realize that a sleepy and sluggish person is not able to work out. But I suggest you move your body to wake it up. Go for a walk, do a few stretches or squats, or dance to your favorite music, if you are alone in your hotel room. It is also important to do a few exercises on the plane to get your blood pumping, avoid back pain, and boost your endorphins, which are ‘happy’ hormones.Boost endorphins

Traveling long distances is fun, but not for those who are prone to get jet lag. Some tourists who travel across multiple time zones say that they have never experienced jet lag. Lucky they are. But if you read this article then you are probably anything like me and you suffer from that looming jet lag, you may need these little pieces of advice. Feel free to share your own ones.

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