Posts for Travelling with Long Covid

Travelling With Long COVID: What You Need to Know

Travel Tips - Shelia - April 26, 2022

Talk to most people who have tested positive for COVID-19 over the past couple of years and their experience of it seems to fall into one of two distinct camps.

There are those who became acutely ill with the disease. As we know all too well, significant numbers from this group ended up in hospital, mainly suffering from severe respiratory problems. Tragically, more than 170,000 people in the UK have lost their lives to the disease to date.

And then there are those who experienced much milder symptoms, if any at all. Especially among younger age groups, COVID’s effects have often been no more serious than a heavy cold or, at worst, flu. As more and more people have been vaccinated, the numbers experiencing these milder symptoms has grown.

But then there’s another, third group. One which has struggled to have its voice heard throughout the pandemic. These are people who have continued to experience symptoms long after experts tell us the initial infection runs its course. These are the people who are afflicted by what’s come to be known as Long COVID. Continue Reading

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